Well, after living in Johnson City for 7 years... I'm finally moving back near Knoxville!!! YAY!! I am super duper excited about it!! It will be so nice to finally be back around family and friends. Sure, I'm gonna miss JC and my dear friends here, but it's time to move on. Brad and I have prayed for reasons to stay in JC, but God is telling us it's time to leave. We really have no reason to stay here anymore (other than a few friends) so it's time to move on and start some place new together. On the otherhand, I'm not so excited about finding a new place to live. We looooove the house we are in right now, so it's going to be hard to find a place even close to this one.

Okay, so if you need a good book to read, I highly recommend Kirk Cameron's autobiography Still Growing. It's such a good book! It was fun reading about his life. I laughed a lot while reading it, which I didn't expect to do. But anyway, it's a good one!

I know I'm being completely random tonight, but things keep coming to mind. Well, right now it's more my body that's coming to mind. I'm getting old and my body HATES me right now. I played 2-hand touch football last night at the Holt Easter get-together. It was a BLAST, but I can barely walk today. My hips hurt. I mean seriously, I'm 25 and my hips hurt from running... I feel like I'm 75! It was my first game, and I of course sucked but I DID catch the football once and scored us some yards. I was proud. And my hubby was a football playin machine... who knew?! A funny story I shouldn't tell, but I'm going to because it's one of those stories you can't not tell... At the end of the yard we were playing in (the end zone) there was a sewage leak, so it had lots of poopy water built up LOL! So if you were running too hard to stop or just simply wasn't paying attention, right through the poop you went! It was hilarious to see people (mostly the boys) run into and yell "I ran through poop!" I haven't laughed that hard in sooo long! I was happy the poopy water was there, brightend my spirits. Brad's cousing Jordan ran into it and the poo water splashed on his leg and he threw up in the yard, bwahahaha! I'm laughing out loud just thinking about it right now. I really wish we would have video taped the game of football-poop dodge. I'm positive it would make you happy too! And of course I had to yell out the quote from Joe Dirt to Jordan "I've got the poo on me!" Oh happy Easter days! (I wish I had the pics to share with you, but no one has posted them to FB yet!)

I had a much cleaner Easter at my parents house with my sis-in-law Lydia and my darling niece and nephews. It was so much fun Easter Egg hunting with them! I love them to pieces! :-)
Well, my pretty pup Macie is staring at me... so I guess that means she needs to go outside.

Night Bloggers!
When I was between the ages of about 5-8, my FAVORITE band to listen to was Creedence Clearwater Revival. Favorite song they sang was 'Cotten Fields'. I seriously played the cassette over and over and over again on a daily basis. My brother makes fun of me til this day saying "You are probably the only kid in the world that grew up in the 90's, whose favorite band was CCR." Haha! What can I say, I have always had great taste in music. I NEVER listened to New Kids on the Block, but ALWAYS listed to CCR. :-)

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