Hello Blogger-Boos! I have been sitting in front of my computer literally ALL day long and I'm ready to rest my eyes. I did, however, take an hour break to watch a new episode of One Tree Hill and it was Grrrreat! I love that show. It's my FAV! I'm so sad there's only a few episodes left. What will I do without it?
Anyway, I've been working on a mother's day gift for my mom (of course) all day, hence the reason I've been in front of the computer all day. I'm making her a photo book from Shutterfly. Sooo I've been looking through ALL of our family photos that I took from my mommas house on sunday. I've been scanning them to my computer and it has been A LOT of work. But it will be so worth it. So tonight, I thought I would share some pics from my past with you all. It's been fun looking through them. Ahhh sweet memories...
My big bro (Phillip) and me

Me, Phillip, and my dad at Stone Mtn. Park, GA

Me, Phillip, and my mom on a camping trip

Can someone please tell me why I'm sporting a GA Tech shirt?

We are great friends at this age

Loooved our ET pool... definitely grew up in the 80's

Phillip putting sunscreen on my back. Takin care of his lil sis!

Phil and I with our Nan... I miss her so much!

Me with my beautiful mother!

Me and my daddy taking a walk in the mountains

I hope you all have a wonderful and peaceful night!
Much Love,
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