Spring Enrichment camp was a long, cry-baby, terrible week. In fact, I don't really have any funny stories to tell you like I thought I would (well except two that shouldn't be funny, but yet I laugh so hard... but I will tell you about that here in a bit.) The kids were little devils- not all of them, but most. We only had 8 kids at camp, but they were worse than the camps with 20 kids. We had 4 girls, and 4 boys. 3 of the girls cried about every single little thing. One girl would cry if somebody looked at her the wrong way or for no reason at all. I would look over at her and she would be crying so hard for nothing, and when you asked her what was wrong she would blubber something you couldn't even understand. And 3 of the boys were attitude city! The oldest boy, 12, comes to every single camp we have. I had to deal with him for 2 whole summers and I can't stand him. He is so mean. He argues with you about any and every thing and you just want to hit him (which of course I would never do.) I fought with him all week. Brad refuses to work camps anymore just because of this kid, if that tells you anything. Which leads me to my funny stories... Okay, well they aren't really funny but if you knew this kid you would truely understand... On Thursday of camp, the evil kid had been at his worst from all week. He was his meanest so far and I had enough of him. His sister was at camp too (the crier) and he was picking at her all day long, making her cry even more. Well, when it was time for them to get picked up, evil boy and cry baby got into their car. My back was turned to them and all of a sudden I heard a scream like no other. When I turned to see what was going on, evil boy was yelling "open the door!!" and I looked and all of his fingers were slammed in the car door. At first I was horrified, but then I think I smiled a little because he deserved it so much for all the days and years he terrorized everyone. He cried, his sister cried, I smiled to myself and laughed inside. His mom is a x-ray tech so she knew his fingers weren't broken. So on Friday, I expected him to show up to camp with a cast to his elbow, just because that's how he is... But nope, he was completely fine. Not even sore from it. I was a bit disappointed that he wasn't even sore. Friday he acted even worse than thursday. So my boss gave him time out at play time. So he thought he could teach karate to the other boys while he was in time out and he tried to do a hitch-kick and kick off the brick wall. Well when he kicked the wall he stubbed his foot really hard and he looked like he was about to cry and turned to the boys and said, "Okay I'm not doing that again, that hurt." And he turned and walked off by himself. LOL. That time I did laugh out loud. Little punk. But with all that said... I LOVED the field trips we went on!! We went to the Bristol Caverns,
Sorry, I wrote more about camp than I had planned. But camp wasn't the only bad thing about last week. Brad's truck broke so we had to take it to the shop on Monday. So on Wednesday when he was on his way to pick his truck up from the shop, he was in my NEW car and stopped at the bank to get some cash. While he was PARKED in the parking lot, a woman in a big truck ran into the back of my car while Brad was sitting in it.
On a better note... Last saturday, I had a much needed girls day out with my mom and sister-in-law Lydia.

Sunday, Brad and I went to Roan Mountain. It was a perfect, beautiful day! But the top of the mountain was FREEZING!!! I wasn't prepared for that! But we had a blast and I can't wait to go back in warmer clothes (or warmer weather). I love hubby time!
Well, I'll leave you with a random fact and hopefully my next blog won't be so long! I've gotta stay on top of this thing!
~Random Fact About Me~
I went to Boston in July 2005, and while I was there we went to tour Fenway Park (Go Red Sox!) The Red Sox were playing the Yankee's that day. Well while on the tour, we were standing in a big crowd of people waiting to go into the park. There were big guys in nice outfits standing in the crowd with us, but I didn't really think anything of it. I mean, the guys were right next to us. Then after the guys walked on, the tour guide lady said to us, "Are you really going to stand here with the Yankee's and not 'boo' them?!" Yep, was standing with the Yankee's and didn't even know it. We ended up getting tickets to the game that night. It was AWESOME!!! Got to see the Red Sox play the Yankee's at Fenway Park... What could be better than that?! Yankee's won in case you were wondering.
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