Saturday, February 26, 2011

Surrounded by Boxes

So here I am... Sitting in Clinton, bored out of my mind, on a beautiful Saturday afternoon.  My sweet hubs had to work this morning so I'm just waiting on him to get off so we can enjoy this lovely day together.  I need out of this apartment in a baaaad way!  I'm surrounded by boxes.  Everywhere I look there is a box.  And I've already unpacked like a million of them but they just don't seem to disappear. EVER!  I've considered picking up a few unpacked boxes and just tossing them in the dumpster.  Probably wouldn't miss the stuff anyway.  I've also thought about just dumping everything out into the floor just so I can get rid of the mountain of boxes that sit in front of my face.  I found myself just starring at them yesterday for a good 30 mins.  It's like I was frozen and couldn't move.  All I could do was stare and wonder where was I going to put it all?!  I'm definitely going to be having a yard sale in the near future, that for sure.  Heck, maybe I can just have a "yard" sale now and let people come in a buy a whole box. Wanna buy a box??

On a good note though, I live in walking distance to Hamack's Perkadeli (best chicken salad ever!)  I've already bought a pound of Darlene's Chicken Salad.  Yes, a pound. 

On another good note, I also live in walking distance to the Git-N-Go market, which sells really good Fried Pickles.  I had those for dinner last night and I wish I had them for breakfast and lunch today too.  They are THAT good.  (I don't know why I say that things are in walking distance to our apartment... I have a car and I plan on always driving to both of those places.)  

Speaking of apartments... It's been a bit of an adjustment moving from a house with tons of privacy, to an apartment with no privacy.  It hasn't been that bad though.  I keep telling myself, "It's only for a year."  I don't like the rules they have here either.  They have some really dump rules... 'No grills allowed', 'Don't shake your rugs out of your windows', 'Walk your pets at least 20 feet from the buildings', etc.  I don't like rules.

Well, I hope you folks have a wonderful weekend!  Let me know if you wanna buy a box.  ; )  Kidding. Kinda. 


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