So tonight I will blog about her... My nan is a very sweet lady. Nan is short for nanny (when all the grandkids got older, we just dropped it to nan.) I have so many great memories of her from my childhood. She was so much fun!! She would build us tents in the house with sheets and would play in them with us. She would sit out in the gravel driveway and make "roads" for our toy cars with me and my brother. She played basketball with us. She played dolls and barbies when I had no one to play with. One time, her neighbors kids had a pool and asked me to come swim with them but I didn't have a bathing suit, so she made me one (and it was super cute! She's handy that way.) And this is the best part of her... SHE HAS HER OWN SUPER NINTENDO!! Yup, I said it, her very own super nintendo! And she's good at it. It's so much fun to watch her play mario kart, haha, because she moves her arms in the direction she wants her car to go. And on super mario, when she wants her player to jump, she throws her arms up in the air (like that's supposed to help.) She makes the best chicken and dumplings in the WORLD and I was going to ask her to teach me how to make them... So I need her to get better so she can. I just love her so much. She's the greatest!! She's my friend and I always know I can go to her and talk about anything. She's really cool. Nan has a tatoo of winnie the pooh bear on her ankle, haha! She's a young grandmother (65!) I hold her dear to my heart.
I feel so guilty because I don't make it out to visit her very often. I should see her every single chance I get. And if anything, I should have called her all the time! I hate living so far away!! When Brad and I visit home, we never have enough time to see everyone. We need a better plan. I can't wait to see her tomorrow!!!
And to top off a bad night, my mom and I couldn't get ahold of my dad on his phone for more than 4 hours. We kept calling, but he wouldn't answer. I was about to have a panic attack. But no worries, he was just sleeping. ;-) Shew!
Please remember my Nan in your prayers and my family. Have a good night! God Bless.
RANDOM FACT about me: I have a birth mark on my forehead, between my eyebrows, that you can only see when I'm sick. When I'm sick, my birth mark turns read in the shape of a check mark. But that's the only time you see it. I was never able to fake being sick as a child to get out of school, because my parents always looked for my red check mark. My daddy has the same thing.
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