Hello Bloggers! So it's been a while since I last wrote. You haven't missed anything, so no worries. My life become a little more boring every single day. BUT no matter how boring and unproductive my life has been since graduation, I am still just as happy. I have lots to be happy about--> A great husband, good friends, awesome family, and the sweetest dog ever. I'll admit it though, there are friends in my past that I miss dearly but life and distance seems to always get in the way. Stupid distance!

Speaking of distance... Brad and I are going on our very first trip to Charleston, SC next week for spring break! Wooo-hoo! I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am. I think the thing that excites me the most is getting to see the palces one of my all time favorite movies was filmed! (The Notebook) And I WILL lay under that stop light. Just wait... I'll have pics.

I loooove history so very much and I can't wait to take it all in. I've been researching things to do there, but does anyone have any suggestions?! I'd love to hear them! Like which Plantation is the best? And what kind of tour should we take- a walking tour, carriage tour, ghost tour, etc.? I'm filled with excitment just thinking about it!
I finally get to go home and visit my family this weekend, which makes me jump with joy! I haven't seen my daddy in over a month and a half and I only saw my mom for about an hour in that time span... so it will be great to finally visit with them.

I always worry that my visits with my dad will be my last, because of his health. (Just to fill you in on my dad... He has serious heart problems. He was born with a heart disease and he had 2 major heart surgeries about 5 years ago. He has an artificial heart valve. He has terrible spells all the time where he blacks out and things AND he works out of town all over the place when he's not really supposed to be. So it's a scary situation for a daddy's girl.) So with that said, you can understand why a month and a half is a long time to go without seeing him. PLUS I get to see my niece and nephews too!

So it's gonna be a great weekend!
Earlier this week I was thinking that I am going to post fun random things about myself, but I'll do that tomorrow. I talk about myself all the time, but that doesn't really say too much about me. So I thought a few random facts would be fun!
But for now, I'm going to try to fight this insomnia I've had for 2 months now and go to bed. I was up until 5:30 this morning because stupie me took Migraine medicine at 9p.m. and it has caffeine in it. It was a terrible night to say the least. So sweet dreams world!
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