Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Waiting Game

Well, I finally made it back to blog. Finally.  I'm going to try to keep it short though.  I will start by saying, the job still sucks.  I'm just playing the waiting game until I can start a new career.  November, please hurry up!  Okay, well maybe not hurry because then my FAVORITE season will be gone.  I loooove the fall.  Anyone who knows me, knows that it's my favorite.  I love all things about it.  I've probably told you this before, but I love it so much that I will tell you again.  Here are a few things that I love about the fall season....
  • The amazing weather... warm (not hot) days, and cool nights
  • Wearing a light jacket or hoodie
  • Hot chocolate on cool, crisp nights
  • Bon fires
  • Pumpkin patches
  • Corn Mazes
  • Halloween
  • Colorful Leaves
  • Pumpkin pie (yuuum)
  • The smell of the air
  • Football games (not on tv, but in person)
Okay, so I know that was more than a few... and really I could keep going, but then you would be bored so I'll stop.  Besides, I know you don't care why I love the fall.  ;-)

This past weekend was amazing.  Well, most of it.  On Friday, Brad and I met my parents in Gatlinburg for their 30th anniversary.  We went to dinner and watched my friend Travis' bluegrass band play.  They are a great group of guys.  Then we walked the strip browsing the little shops.  I forgot how much fun Gatlinburg can be.  Brad and I drove home that night... and when I say night I mean 3am.  We couldn't stay in G-burg because we left our pup home alone.  Saturday was not so good for me.  I woke up sick. On a beautiful Saturday.  I was sad to say the least.  I turned down a hiking trip with Erin and Brandon.... AND I even turned down a weekend trip to Charleston with Allie and Cliff.  CHARLESTON!!!  That's how sick I was.  I've been sick a lot lately.  I don't know what's going on, but I did go to the doctor on Friday.  They made me wear a heart monitor for 24 hours (yes I had to wear the big ugly thing to G-burg.)  My heart has been racing a lot, I've been very sick to my stomach,  and I've had headaches just about every day.  I have one right now actually.  It's no fun.  My doc thinks it's due to stress, but to be safe he wanted me to wear the heart monitor due to the family history with heart problems.  Anyway, I'm waiting on the results on that and on my lab work.  I am just ready to find out whats going on.  You know it's no good when I turn down a road trip to Charleston. 

Back to my weekend now... On Sunday, I felt better so Brad and I drove to Cades Cove.  Not a good idea on Labor Day weekend, haha.  We sat in traffic on the loop for 3 hours.  Then we drove back to G-burg for dinner.  We had Macie with us this time, so we got a room on the strip and stayed.  It was a nice little vacation for us.  Having Monday off work was amazing, but now I forever want Mondays off, haha.  One day, I will make my own schedule.  Yep. 

Well, it's 11:11 (make a wish!!)  so I'm going to head to bed.  Have a great night, and if I don't make it back to blog then have a great week!  God Bless blogger world! 

One Tree Hill comes back on in 6 days.... Woo-hoo!!!  (Another reason I love the fall.)

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