Can you believe it's the 3rd of December already? I'm still trying to figure out where Thanksgiving went. Life the past week has been a roller coaster ride and so far I'm only climbing the first hill. Some pretty exciting things are going on and I can't wait to tell you about them soon.
I love the way that God works. It's so amazing just to witness his work in action and be a part of it all. One day your life can be heading in one direction and the next day God throws up a sign to go another direction and all of a sudden every thing just falls into place. I love it. Words just can't describe it.
Brad and I have met amazing people in the community group we joined at the new Church we've been going to. It's a group of young married couples. We are one of the youngest couples in the class so we are learning so much. I wake up every Sunday morning so excited to go because I know God is going to teach us something new. I will be sad to leave them when we move.
Speaking of moving.... I think it's finally settled. We are moving as soon as possible after the first of the year. I've been in Johnson City for 7 years and it's time to move back home (or close to home.) We will miss our friends in JC and our new church family, but it's time. Unless God throws up another wrong direction sign and then we will follow our chosen path. But for now moving back towards family is where we are feeling lead.
I can not wait until next weekend!!! The boggtrotters will be holding our annual Christmas Party and I am so full of joy and I can't stand it! It's my favorite get-together of the year with them. I'm trying to come up with a great dirty Santa gift this year. Last time I gave a whole bag of chewed double-bubble gum and the empty wrappers. This year I'll try to contain myself (mostly because my jaw hurt for a week after chewing all that gum.)
It's a wonderful time of the year!!
Now if only I could get motivated to put up our Christmas Tree....
Have a happy weekend!!!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Catch Up Time
Wow, it's been a loooong time since I've blogged. I've missed you blog world!! So, I guess I have a lot to catch you up on.
I will start by saying.... I GOT A NEW JOB!!!! Woo-hoo!! And I LOVE it. It's at ETSU in the Office of eLearning. I started on October 11th (which confirms how long it really has been since I blogged.) I help build and fix ETSU websites. It's something that I have never done before, but it's fun. Really, it's a great place to work. The people I work with are super nice and they all rock. They have made me feel so welcome since day one. And I can honestly say that I do NOT miss my old job. Not one bit.
Another biggie I should mention is that I celebrated my big 26th birthday!! Yuck to getting older! I mean, don't get me wrong... I'm so thankful that I am blessed with another year and I pray for many, many, many more. I am proud to say that I did not have a melt down like I did when I turned 22. I took it like a grown up and celebrated with happiness.
I got to do one of my favorite things of fall.... We went to Fender's Corn Maze with Travis and his girlfriend Amanda. It was a blast as always! It was probably the easiest corn maze I've been to yet, but still fun. And I must say that I love Amanda... She's perfect for Trav.
A couple of weekends ago, me and my hubs went on an amazing hike at Roan Mountain. It was such a beautiful day and you could see sooo far. It was perfect. It was a nice day to just spend with Brad while taking in the beauty of God's creation.
Something else that I must mention is Halloween.... It came and then it went. Of course, Brad and I hosted the Halloween party that I've been planning for months. It was fuuun and great to get caught up with my friends. I spent way too much time decorating the house and then I forgot to take pictures of it. And this makes me so sad. All that work and not one picture. Of course! But I can tell you about it. First, we put up a graveyard next to our sidewalk... with a nice grim reaper that pops up at you as you walk by and says scary things like "welcome to my graveyard," and we topped it off with a fog machine... We very successfully scared everyone that walked by it. Allie even screamed (Hehe!) Second, we hung a flying ghost between two trees in our yard that flew from tree to tree moaning. Third, we hung the obvious spider webs everywhere in the house. Fourth, in the bathroom we hung a white shower curtain and put bloody hand prints all over it and left a bloody knife laying on the shelve, and we took fake blood and wrote REDRUM (murder) on the mirror. I must mention that the mirror has been cleaned several times since the party, but when the mirror fogs from the shower you can still see that it says murder, SCARY! Fifth, we put things like fingers, eyeballs, teeth, etc. in jars filled with water and food coloring. It looked creepy. Sixth, we covered the living room furniture with white sheets to make it look like an old abandoned house. And finally, we put a "potion lab" on a table in the living room with a witch's cauldron filled with dry ice. Can you believe I didn't take pictures? I'm a doof.
Brad and I finally found a church today that we loved! We've searched for a church in JC for a long time now that we really feel lead to be at and today we visited a church that we amazing. It had great worship, a great message, and great people. We both just felt it was the church for us when we walked it. We were invited to go to the young married couples bible study after the church service and it was amazing too. I'm very excited to go next week and hopefully make some new church friends. It was a great day! Not to mention that I bought TWO dresses from Forever 21 today that cost me a total of $17.31. Oh how I love great deals. :-)
Well, I think I've covered all the biggies that have happened in my life recently. It's been fun catching up blogger-boos! I'll try to keep up this time.
I will start by saying.... I GOT A NEW JOB!!!! Woo-hoo!! And I LOVE it. It's at ETSU in the Office of eLearning. I started on October 11th (which confirms how long it really has been since I blogged.) I help build and fix ETSU websites. It's something that I have never done before, but it's fun. Really, it's a great place to work. The people I work with are super nice and they all rock. They have made me feel so welcome since day one. And I can honestly say that I do NOT miss my old job. Not one bit.
I am a cartoon on our ETSU staff website... how cool is that?!
Another biggie I should mention is that I celebrated my big 26th birthday!! Yuck to getting older! I mean, don't get me wrong... I'm so thankful that I am blessed with another year and I pray for many, many, many more. I am proud to say that I did not have a melt down like I did when I turned 22. I took it like a grown up and celebrated with happiness.
I got to do one of my favorite things of fall.... We went to Fender's Corn Maze with Travis and his girlfriend Amanda. It was a blast as always! It was probably the easiest corn maze I've been to yet, but still fun. And I must say that I love Amanda... She's perfect for Trav.
A couple of weekends ago, me and my hubs went on an amazing hike at Roan Mountain. It was such a beautiful day and you could see sooo far. It was perfect. It was a nice day to just spend with Brad while taking in the beauty of God's creation.
Something else that I must mention is Halloween.... It came and then it went. Of course, Brad and I hosted the Halloween party that I've been planning for months. It was fuuun and great to get caught up with my friends. I spent way too much time decorating the house and then I forgot to take pictures of it. And this makes me so sad. All that work and not one picture. Of course! But I can tell you about it. First, we put up a graveyard next to our sidewalk... with a nice grim reaper that pops up at you as you walk by and says scary things like "welcome to my graveyard," and we topped it off with a fog machine... We very successfully scared everyone that walked by it. Allie even screamed (Hehe!) Second, we hung a flying ghost between two trees in our yard that flew from tree to tree moaning. Third, we hung the obvious spider webs everywhere in the house. Fourth, in the bathroom we hung a white shower curtain and put bloody hand prints all over it and left a bloody knife laying on the shelve, and we took fake blood and wrote REDRUM (murder) on the mirror. I must mention that the mirror has been cleaned several times since the party, but when the mirror fogs from the shower you can still see that it says murder, SCARY! Fifth, we put things like fingers, eyeballs, teeth, etc. in jars filled with water and food coloring. It looked creepy. Sixth, we covered the living room furniture with white sheets to make it look like an old abandoned house. And finally, we put a "potion lab" on a table in the living room with a witch's cauldron filled with dry ice. Can you believe I didn't take pictures? I'm a doof.
Brad and I finally found a church today that we loved! We've searched for a church in JC for a long time now that we really feel lead to be at and today we visited a church that we amazing. It had great worship, a great message, and great people. We both just felt it was the church for us when we walked it. We were invited to go to the young married couples bible study after the church service and it was amazing too. I'm very excited to go next week and hopefully make some new church friends. It was a great day! Not to mention that I bought TWO dresses from Forever 21 today that cost me a total of $17.31. Oh how I love great deals. :-)
Well, I think I've covered all the biggies that have happened in my life recently. It's been fun catching up blogger-boos! I'll try to keep up this time.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Waiting Game
Well, I finally made it back to blog. Finally. I'm going to try to keep it short though. I will start by saying, the job still sucks. I'm just playing the waiting game until I can start a new career. November, please hurry up! Okay, well maybe not hurry because then my FAVORITE season will be gone. I loooove the fall. Anyone who knows me, knows that it's my favorite. I love all things about it. I've probably told you this before, but I love it so much that I will tell you again. Here are a few things that I love about the fall season....
This past weekend was amazing. Well, most of it. On Friday, Brad and I met my parents in Gatlinburg for their 30th anniversary. We went to dinner and watched my friend Travis' bluegrass band play. They are a great group of guys. Then we walked the strip browsing the little shops. I forgot how much fun Gatlinburg can be. Brad and I drove home that night... and when I say night I mean 3am. We couldn't stay in G-burg because we left our pup home alone. Saturday was not so good for me. I woke up sick. On a beautiful Saturday. I was sad to say the least. I turned down a hiking trip with Erin and Brandon.... AND I even turned down a weekend trip to Charleston with Allie and Cliff. CHARLESTON!!! That's how sick I was. I've been sick a lot lately. I don't know what's going on, but I did go to the doctor on Friday. They made me wear a heart monitor for 24 hours (yes I had to wear the big ugly thing to G-burg.) My heart has been racing a lot, I've been very sick to my stomach, and I've had headaches just about every day. I have one right now actually. It's no fun. My doc thinks it's due to stress, but to be safe he wanted me to wear the heart monitor due to the family history with heart problems. Anyway, I'm waiting on the results on that and on my lab work. I am just ready to find out whats going on. You know it's no good when I turn down a road trip to Charleston.
Back to my weekend now... On Sunday, I felt better so Brad and I drove to Cades Cove. Not a good idea on Labor Day weekend, haha. We sat in traffic on the loop for 3 hours. Then we drove back to G-burg for dinner. We had Macie with us this time, so we got a room on the strip and stayed. It was a nice little vacation for us. Having Monday off work was amazing, but now I forever want Mondays off, haha. One day, I will make my own schedule. Yep.
Well, it's 11:11 (make a wish!!) so I'm going to head to bed. Have a great night, and if I don't make it back to blog then have a great week! God Bless blogger world!
One Tree Hill comes back on in 6 days.... Woo-hoo!!! (Another reason I love the fall.)
- The amazing weather... warm (not hot) days, and cool nights
- Wearing a light jacket or hoodie
- Hot chocolate on cool, crisp nights
- Bon fires
- Pumpkin patches
- Corn Mazes
- Halloween
- Colorful Leaves
- Pumpkin pie (yuuum)
- The smell of the air
- Football games (not on tv, but in person)
This past weekend was amazing. Well, most of it. On Friday, Brad and I met my parents in Gatlinburg for their 30th anniversary. We went to dinner and watched my friend Travis' bluegrass band play. They are a great group of guys. Then we walked the strip browsing the little shops. I forgot how much fun Gatlinburg can be. Brad and I drove home that night... and when I say night I mean 3am. We couldn't stay in G-burg because we left our pup home alone. Saturday was not so good for me. I woke up sick. On a beautiful Saturday. I was sad to say the least. I turned down a hiking trip with Erin and Brandon.... AND I even turned down a weekend trip to Charleston with Allie and Cliff. CHARLESTON!!! That's how sick I was. I've been sick a lot lately. I don't know what's going on, but I did go to the doctor on Friday. They made me wear a heart monitor for 24 hours (yes I had to wear the big ugly thing to G-burg.) My heart has been racing a lot, I've been very sick to my stomach, and I've had headaches just about every day. I have one right now actually. It's no fun. My doc thinks it's due to stress, but to be safe he wanted me to wear the heart monitor due to the family history with heart problems. Anyway, I'm waiting on the results on that and on my lab work. I am just ready to find out whats going on. You know it's no good when I turn down a road trip to Charleston.
Back to my weekend now... On Sunday, I felt better so Brad and I drove to Cades Cove. Not a good idea on Labor Day weekend, haha. We sat in traffic on the loop for 3 hours. Then we drove back to G-burg for dinner. We had Macie with us this time, so we got a room on the strip and stayed. It was a nice little vacation for us. Having Monday off work was amazing, but now I forever want Mondays off, haha. One day, I will make my own schedule. Yep.
Well, it's 11:11 (make a wish!!) so I'm going to head to bed. Have a great night, and if I don't make it back to blog then have a great week! God Bless blogger world!
One Tree Hill comes back on in 6 days.... Woo-hoo!!! (Another reason I love the fall.)
Friday, August 20, 2010
Better Days
Siiiiiiigh! I survived another long work week. Today wasn't that bad actually. But I still don't think this will be my career. Not that there's anything wrong with my job, other than the fact it's not my favorite, it's just not what I want to do with my life. I like to be out and about in the world working and not closed up in an office all day long. The Lord just didn't make me an office type of girl. Oh to go back to the days of being a lifeguard, spending my days by the pool and getting a tan, and getting paid to do it... the good life. BUT hopefully in November I will get to try out an all new career adventure and I'm sooooo excited. Just gotta get the gear I need and take a lesson from a really amazing, sweet girl and I'll be ready to go. I can't wait!! Brad told me of a saying his grandmother used to tell him and it's so true.... "Find a job you love to do and you'll never work a day in your life."
I'm looking forward to a lazy weekend and I'll finally have time to clean this house! I got used to having all the time in the world to clean while I wasn't working and now I am too exhausted by the time I come home from work. So that's what I plan on doing on my Saturday. Sounds fun, huh?!
Last Saturday I went shopping with my mom and I had such a great time. We never get to do that anymore. Before I was married, my mom and I went shopping together just about every other weekend. We spent a lot of time together and I loved it. But now it's hard to get the time to do it because I only get to visit her about once a month. I miss our shopping days together. We hadn't been since probably last march.
I wish we lived closer to family... I know I say that a lot, but I never stop wishing it. I'm missing my niece and nephews growing up. Zoe started preschool today!!! I can't believe it! It seems like just yesterday she was bald and toothless, haha. And Peyton has grown even more! He's as big as Zoe and he doesn't look like a toddler anymore, he looks like a boy. Jonah, I don't even know where to start with him. One weekend I went to visit and he couldn't even crawl, then next time I saw him he was crawling everywhere, and the next time he was walking! WALKING! And now he's 15months old. Seriously? I thought he was born like 6 months ago...
Okay, so I know I've mentioned halloween before, but OH MY GOODNESS I got SOOOO EXCITED to see that SPIRIT Halloween is now open!! It wasn't even there 2 days ago and today when I drove by, there it was! I CAN'T WAIT to go in there! I feel embarrassed that I get so excited about Halloween, especially because it's more than 2 months away, haha. But let's just face it, I've been shopping online for halloween stuff for about a month now. It excites me so much. Last year I bought a fog machine and I can't wait to use it this year. I didn't get to use it much at my party last year because it was indoors and it kinda stinks, but this year I have an all new plan.... Oooooo I'm excited. I already have my house decorated in my mind. Yup, this might be the best halloween party yet! People are usually shocked to find out that I love halloween, I guess because I'm not a dark person?
Thursday, August 19, 2010
This is a neverending week.... Please Lord, let me wake up in the morning and it be SATURDAY!!! But more importantly, Lord, let me just wake up. Thank you, Amen.
I thought that maybe, just maybe work would get a little better for me seeing as how I've been for 5 weeks now. 5 WEEKS!! Already!! But I still hate it. It still stinks. And honestly I feel like I know less about my job today than I did in my 2nd week. Just when I started to feel confident at my job, I realize that I wasn't taught everything that I needed to know and so I'm even more confused now than I was before. How the heck does that happen? BUT I guess I'm just happy to even have a job. This is only temporary until my future career presents itself to me... whenever that may be.
Brad's birthday was yesterday... and a happy day (after 4:30) it was! I took him to our favorite mexican restaurant and of course I had to tell them it was his birthday.... SOOOO the waiters sang to him and made him wear one of those huge sombreros, haha! And they brought him an yummy delicious dessert that we shared. We went shopping at the mall and he picked out his birthday gift (a new tree stand.) I knew that's what he wanted and I just don't know anything about tree stands, so he had to pick it out. He's so excited about it... it's like Christmas time, haha. He's cute. : ) And he's mine, yay! And thank goodness he's turned a year older. (For those of you that don't know, he's a year and 10 months younger than me and he never lets me forget it.) He applied for his dream job today, so please say a prayer for him to get an interview... I know he wants it reaaaally bad. Plus if he gets it then we would get to move back towards Knoxville, yay!! Johnson City, I love you but you're not my home.
Well people.... I'm exhausted from a long and stressful day. Have a wonderful weekend!!
I thought that maybe, just maybe work would get a little better for me seeing as how I've been for 5 weeks now. 5 WEEKS!! Already!! But I still hate it. It still stinks. And honestly I feel like I know less about my job today than I did in my 2nd week. Just when I started to feel confident at my job, I realize that I wasn't taught everything that I needed to know and so I'm even more confused now than I was before. How the heck does that happen? BUT I guess I'm just happy to even have a job. This is only temporary until my future career presents itself to me... whenever that may be.
Brad's birthday was yesterday... and a happy day (after 4:30) it was! I took him to our favorite mexican restaurant and of course I had to tell them it was his birthday.... SOOOO the waiters sang to him and made him wear one of those huge sombreros, haha! And they brought him an yummy delicious dessert that we shared. We went shopping at the mall and he picked out his birthday gift (a new tree stand.) I knew that's what he wanted and I just don't know anything about tree stands, so he had to pick it out. He's so excited about it... it's like Christmas time, haha. He's cute. : ) And he's mine, yay! And thank goodness he's turned a year older. (For those of you that don't know, he's a year and 10 months younger than me and he never lets me forget it.) He applied for his dream job today, so please say a prayer for him to get an interview... I know he wants it reaaaally bad. Plus if he gets it then we would get to move back towards Knoxville, yay!! Johnson City, I love you but you're not my home.
Well people.... I'm exhausted from a long and stressful day. Have a wonderful weekend!!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Just Take A Deep Breath
Another two weeks have gone bye, big surprise! However, my days have slown down since I started working... I knew they would. I guess first off I'll tell you that my job sucks. Yup. It's no fun and very, very stressful.... AND a doctor has already made me cry at work (BIG jerk!) So to say the least, I'm looking for my next career. I get sick to my stomach when it's time to go back there. No joke, I really do. That's a first for me. I've had jobs that I don't like before, but they never made me sick to my stomach when I thought about going back to them. The girls I work with are really nice, but when you work for 30+ doctors it gets a bit hectic. But no worries... my future secret plan is still in the works! Just waitin on November so I can get some great training!
This last week has been very emotional for me... not only because the job, but because it was my Nan's birthday on the 28th. She would have turned 66. She died too young and I didn't get enough time with her. I miss her so very much!
BUT this weekend was very relaxing. My hubby and I spent the entire weekend just hanging out watching movies and taking long walks... and of course we had to throw in a few hours floating on the lake. It's been a great weekend to catch my breath.
I can't believe that it's already August!! Wow! And I'm already planning my halloween party, haha! But it's not totally my fault... Stores are already putting out their halloween supplies and decor and seeing that halloween is one of my favorite holidays, it's hard to resist! I just can't help myself! I loooove it so much. I'm planning a big shin dig this year with the boggtrotters. I can't wait! Last halloween I had my 25th b-day party (which was a blast!) But this year I'm going even bigger! Oooooo I can't wait.... I would start decorating my house now if people wouldn't think I was a freak, or a witch. Most people act this way with Christmas, but for some odd reason Halloween is was gets it for me. There are no explanations other than I love to dress up and I love candy.
I hope you all had a great weekend!! And say a little prayer for me that works goes well for me this week OR that I find a job that I will love. :-) I'll leave you with my favorite moment from The Office... it always makes me smile no matter how many times I watch it... take a peek!
This last week has been very emotional for me... not only because the job, but because it was my Nan's birthday on the 28th. She would have turned 66. She died too young and I didn't get enough time with her. I miss her so very much!
BUT this weekend was very relaxing. My hubby and I spent the entire weekend just hanging out watching movies and taking long walks... and of course we had to throw in a few hours floating on the lake. It's been a great weekend to catch my breath.
I can't believe that it's already August!! Wow! And I'm already planning my halloween party, haha! But it's not totally my fault... Stores are already putting out their halloween supplies and decor and seeing that halloween is one of my favorite holidays, it's hard to resist! I just can't help myself! I loooove it so much. I'm planning a big shin dig this year with the boggtrotters. I can't wait! Last halloween I had my 25th b-day party (which was a blast!) But this year I'm going even bigger! Oooooo I can't wait.... I would start decorating my house now if people wouldn't think I was a freak, or a witch. Most people act this way with Christmas, but for some odd reason Halloween is was gets it for me. There are no explanations other than I love to dress up and I love candy.
I hope you all had a great weekend!! And say a little prayer for me that works goes well for me this week OR that I find a job that I will love. :-) I'll leave you with my favorite moment from The Office... it always makes me smile no matter how many times I watch it... take a peek!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Living My Life
Well Bloggeroos... It's Friday again. Life really is going by so fast. I know I say it a lot, but it really is. When I was a kid, time poked by and things couldn't come soon enough... but now I can't make it slow down. Don't get me wrong, I'm sooo glad it's Friday!! I just wish life wasn't passing me by so quickly. I start work on Monday, so next week I'll probably start saying that I wish the week would go by faster LOL! We will see I guess....
Anyways, this past week has been a good one. I don't have much to complain about. I'll give you a little recap of it...
*Last Friday, July 9th-- Me, Brad, and my wonderful Daddy went to see Second Wind play (My pal Travis' band... which was Barry Scott & Second Wind, but now the band has moved on without Barry.) They were amazing as always and it was great getting to spend some time with my 2 favorite men in the world!
*Saturday, July 10th-- Brad and I went to my parents for a cookout and to celebrate Peyton & Jonah's birthday. It was a fun day with my family! I love them so much and I really miss them sometimes. I don't get to spend near enough time with them.
*Sunday, July 11th-- I got to spend some time with my mom and dad while Brad went fishing with my bro, Phillip. Later, Brad & I went to his parents house to celebrate his dad's birthday.
*Wednesday, July 14th-- Brad went for an interview for the Johnson City Fire Department... Then we went on a date. I love dates with my husband... nothing could be better! :-)
Well, that's about all the excitement I have had for week, haha! Of course I have done tons of other stuff, but nothing worth mentioning.
On a personal note... Lately I have been feeling like I need a new adventure. A change. Something to be excited about. I'm not quite sure what kind of change or excitement yet, but I feel like I'm an old person these days and I'm too young to be old. So maybe sometime in the future I can find a good change.
Another thing that has been on my mind lately is how much I really miss my Nan. Some weeks I'm okay, but other weeks I can't stop thinking about her. I don't want to ever forget her, I just wish I could have her back. There are so many things I wish I could tell her and ask her. She's the one person I could go to for advice and she would never judge me. I could tell her anything in the world and I wish she was here now so we could just talk. If only I could go back to the last day I went to visit her (before the hospital), I would take the time to tell her how much she really meant to me and how great of a grandmother she was. If only...
Well seeing as how this is the last week day I don't have to work, I'm going to go enjoy it! Have a happy weekend!!!
Anyways, this past week has been a good one. I don't have much to complain about. I'll give you a little recap of it...
*Last Friday, July 9th-- Me, Brad, and my wonderful Daddy went to see Second Wind play (My pal Travis' band... which was Barry Scott & Second Wind, but now the band has moved on without Barry.) They were amazing as always and it was great getting to spend some time with my 2 favorite men in the world!
*Saturday, July 10th-- Brad and I went to my parents for a cookout and to celebrate Peyton & Jonah's birthday. It was a fun day with my family! I love them so much and I really miss them sometimes. I don't get to spend near enough time with them.
*Sunday, July 11th-- I got to spend some time with my mom and dad while Brad went fishing with my bro, Phillip. Later, Brad & I went to his parents house to celebrate his dad's birthday.
*Wednesday, July 14th-- Brad went for an interview for the Johnson City Fire Department... Then we went on a date. I love dates with my husband... nothing could be better! :-)
Well, that's about all the excitement I have had for week, haha! Of course I have done tons of other stuff, but nothing worth mentioning.
On a personal note... Lately I have been feeling like I need a new adventure. A change. Something to be excited about. I'm not quite sure what kind of change or excitement yet, but I feel like I'm an old person these days and I'm too young to be old. So maybe sometime in the future I can find a good change.
I wouldn't mind finding some new friends, either. All of mine and Brad's friends have moved away (excpet a few) and we don't really have anyone to hang out with anymore, so we find ourselves getting really bored at times. We enjoy time with one another, but everyone needs friends too. But where do college graduates with full time jobs go to find new friends? We could probably find new friends at church, but we are currently trying to find a church to call home so I guess we can't find church friends until we find a church... If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them... or you can be my friend. ;-)
Another thing that has been on my mind lately is how much I really miss my Nan. Some weeks I'm okay, but other weeks I can't stop thinking about her. I don't want to ever forget her, I just wish I could have her back. There are so many things I wish I could tell her and ask her. She's the one person I could go to for advice and she would never judge me. I could tell her anything in the world and I wish she was here now so we could just talk. If only I could go back to the last day I went to visit her (before the hospital), I would take the time to tell her how much she really meant to me and how great of a grandmother she was. If only...
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Time is Flyin' By!
Why is it impossible for me to write daily? Or even once a week? Lucky you, you get to read about my past 2 weeks again, yay! ;-)
I'll try to make this short....
*Sat. June 26th- Brad and I crashed the pool at Evergreen Terrace. We figured we paid enough rent while we lived there and we didn't use the pool much, so we have some back pool time. It was niiiice! The water was perfect for the super hot day. Thanks Evergreen for having such a great pool!
*Sun. June 27th- Brad and I went to the wonderful Roan Mountain with Erin and Brandon. It was an amazing day. Beautiful weather and great views! After, we went to Hampton to eat at The Captain's Table... it was soooo good! The best fried shrimp ever!! And amazing views of the lake, might I add!
*June 29-July 1- Brad's sister Hannah came to visit for a few days. It was great having her here! I love it when his sisters visit, they are a blast!
We took her to Bays Mountain,
the lake in Hampton,
She and I went to all the little antique shops in Elizabethton,
and we all hiked up to Roan Mountain to watch the sunset on Wed. night. It was breathtaking. And cold. It was a super hot tempeture of 55degrees in JULY! My hands were so cold! But the sunset was worth every cold inch on my body. And not to mention we had to hike through the jungle after dark to get back to our car... I was scared (remember the mountain lion encounter I had before.) BUT I'd so do it again! ;-)
*July 2nd- HaPpY bIrThDaY tRaVis!!!
*Sat. July 3rd- Brad and I went to Erin and Brandon's annual 4th of July party. It was a hoot!! Being pretty much the ONLY sober person there, I got to experience all sorts of hilarious things. People were drunk that I never thought I'd see drunk, people were dancing that I never thought I'd see dancing, my car was used as a table and chairs (that's what I get for parking in the driveway). It was a fun party and the JC fireworks show was awesome as always (Erin & Brandon live right next to where they shoot off the JC fireworks.) I'm so sad that I didn't get any pictures of this day, buuuuut I did get lots of video on my phone (Just for you Ashlee!)
*Sun. July 4th- Brad and I went to the park and later went to dinner at Cootie Brown's with Erin and Brandon... Happy Birthday America!!! God Bless the USA!
*Mon. July 5th- Me and Brad went to the Lake in Hampton. We took floats and swam out the the booie's and tied a rope to it and floated for a few hours. I did the smartest thing all summer, I didn't wear sunscreen and I came out looking like a lobster.... told you it was smart! But it was fun!
*The rest of this week has been preeeetty boring, so I don't really have anything to say about it. But this weekend will be filled with tons of fun and I can't wait!!
Maybe, JUST MAYBE I'll blog again sooner than later! Let's keep our fingers crossed!
Oh and on a side note.... I'm moving forward with my future plans that I still can't tell you about. I've made the next step to getting it done and I'm super excited about it! It will be a while still yet though, so hold tight for details. I may just have a career I'll love afterall! ;-)
Til the next time.....
I'll try to make this short....
*Sat. June 26th- Brad and I crashed the pool at Evergreen Terrace. We figured we paid enough rent while we lived there and we didn't use the pool much, so we have some back pool time. It was niiiice! The water was perfect for the super hot day. Thanks Evergreen for having such a great pool!
*Sun. June 27th- Brad and I went to the wonderful Roan Mountain with Erin and Brandon. It was an amazing day. Beautiful weather and great views! After, we went to Hampton to eat at The Captain's Table... it was soooo good! The best fried shrimp ever!! And amazing views of the lake, might I add!
*June 29-July 1- Brad's sister Hannah came to visit for a few days. It was great having her here! I love it when his sisters visit, they are a blast!
We took her to Bays Mountain,
the lake in Hampton,
She and I went to all the little antique shops in Elizabethton,
and we all hiked up to Roan Mountain to watch the sunset on Wed. night. It was breathtaking. And cold. It was a super hot tempeture of 55degrees in JULY! My hands were so cold! But the sunset was worth every cold inch on my body. And not to mention we had to hike through the jungle after dark to get back to our car... I was scared (remember the mountain lion encounter I had before.) BUT I'd so do it again! ;-)
*Sat. July 3rd- Brad and I went to Erin and Brandon's annual 4th of July party. It was a hoot!! Being pretty much the ONLY sober person there, I got to experience all sorts of hilarious things. People were drunk that I never thought I'd see drunk, people were dancing that I never thought I'd see dancing, my car was used as a table and chairs (that's what I get for parking in the driveway). It was a fun party and the JC fireworks show was awesome as always (Erin & Brandon live right next to where they shoot off the JC fireworks.) I'm so sad that I didn't get any pictures of this day, buuuuut I did get lots of video on my phone (Just for you Ashlee!)
*Sun. July 4th- Brad and I went to the park and later went to dinner at Cootie Brown's with Erin and Brandon... Happy Birthday America!!! God Bless the USA!
*Mon. July 5th- Me and Brad went to the Lake in Hampton. We took floats and swam out the the booie's and tied a rope to it and floated for a few hours. I did the smartest thing all summer, I didn't wear sunscreen and I came out looking like a lobster.... told you it was smart! But it was fun!
*The rest of this week has been preeeetty boring, so I don't really have anything to say about it. But this weekend will be filled with tons of fun and I can't wait!!
Maybe, JUST MAYBE I'll blog again sooner than later! Let's keep our fingers crossed!
Oh and on a side note.... I'm moving forward with my future plans that I still can't tell you about. I've made the next step to getting it done and I'm super excited about it! It will be a while still yet though, so hold tight for details. I may just have a career I'll love afterall! ;-)
Til the next time.....
Thursday, June 24, 2010
It's About Time
I have so much to tell you about... This is what happens when I don't blog for weeks! Oops! But I have so much to tell, that I'll just spare you from it all. I'll just tell you about a few little things. Only a few of the things aren't so little...
Love My Life!!
First, Brad and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary on June 14th. It was a great day! Brad took the day off at work and we spent the whole day together. We went to Knoxville and had lunch at P.F. Chang's, then he took me shopping (he's the best), then we went to Pigeon Forge to see the Titanic museum. Did I mention that it was a great day? We both had to work for our 1 year anniversary last summer, so this year was nice to just spend the day together. These past two years have been amazing and I am so blessed. I have a great husband and a great life!
Second, we've spent a lot of time the past couple of weeks with family and friends... and I've loved every minute of it. Bethanny (Brad's sister) and her boyfriend Dillon came up to visit one day and we all went to the lake for a picnic and swimming. It was a blast! We went to a friends (Aaron- Brad's sister Hannah's boyfriend) high school graduation party with Brad's family last weekend and had so much fun! Brad and I rode on Aaron's little mo-ped together... it was hilarious! We could barely fit on it and it went a blazing 25mph! And it wouldn't even make it up a hill with both of us so we had to "flinstone it!" LOL!
Then of course we visited our dads for Father's Day. I love celebrating my parents... it's a great day to just honor them. I loooove my daddy! He's the best!
This Tuesday, Brad and I went to Brandon & Erin's house for dinner and Allie & Cliff came too, yippee! Love them!
Third, I GOT A JOB YESTERDAY!!!! Yay!!! It's about stinkin' time! It's not going to be my career or anything, but it's a job for now and for that I'm thankful. Thank you Lord for answered prayers.
Last night, Bethanny, Brandi (Brad's sisters), and Dillon came up to visit us. We took them to 88.3's Faith & Family night at the Johnson City Cardinals baseball game. The christian band "Pocket Full of Rocks" performed first and they were aaaaamazing!
After the concert we watched the baseball game. JC Cardinals played the Kingsport Mets. It was probably the slowest baseball game I've ever been to, but I thought it was still fun.
We left at the top of the 7th inning Mets were winning by 2 and I was told that the game picked up and the Cardinals came back and won in the 9th inning. That always happens when I leave a game early. Bummer! But yay for the Cardinals win!
All-in-All this has been a great couple of weeks! I am blessed! Have a great day people!
Love My Life!!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Oh The Places We Will Go
I hope this evening is wonderful for each of you!!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Take A Moment and Live
Well hello there blogger friends! Man, time has really flown since the last time I wrote!! There is soooo much that I've not written about the last couple of weeks... and it's so much that I won't even bother with it now. Okay, well maybe I'll give you a quick rundown of everything....
First- I got to FINALLY visit with all of my boggtrotter friends (except Lindsey & Daniel & Travis) for the first time in MONTHS! It was so great to see them all!! You see, this is a special group of friends. We all met working together at ETSU finanial aid. We all bonded instantly and have been best of friends ever since... 7 years actually (for some 6 years.) We call ourselves the Fin Aid Boggtrotters because Travis owns about every type of instrument (except drums) and we all got together one night goofing off and acting like a band and from that we said we were the Fin Aid Boggtrotters band and it stuck with us ever since. We usually refer to us as just the Boggtrotters tho. I cherish soooo many memories with these people!! We have laughed so much together that I've developed wrinkles from it (I'll blame it on the laughter and not my age, *wink, wink!*) We have a pretty cool tradition going on with us...
Alright... good night!!!

We all got married a year apart from one another and some of us caught a bouquet at one of the weddings. It started with Becky & Josh 6 years ago... the next year Erin & Brandon got married and Lindsey caught the bouquet and Daniel caught the garter... Then Lindsey & Daniel got married that winter and I caught the same bouquet that Lindsey caught at Erin's wedding.... Then next summer Ashlee & Brandon jumped the broom... A year later, Brad & I got hitched and Allie caught my bouquet... So it only made since that the next summer Allie & Cliff tied the knot!... BUT it's been a year and the only ones of us left to get married is Missy (who's engaged to Troy, yay!) and Travis-and let's face it, he's not gonna be getting hitched for a while!! But he does have a girlfriend now!!!
So for now the tradition is on hold, but who knows!! Okay, sorry I got side tracked... I just love my friends and I think it's neat that we are all still so close after all these years and now that we've all moved on to other things.
Travis is in a professional Bluegrass band called Barry Scott and Second Wind, who by the way was nominated for a 2010 Grammy!! They are aaaaamazing!! Check 'em out sometime! (Travis plays the dobro and sings bass by the way.)
Anyway, back to things I haven't shared.... I'm having a really hard time remembering.... Oh, I went to Dollywood again. Me, Brad, my Mom, & Lydia went together. We had a lot of fun, but MAN WAS IT BUSY!!! We went on Memorial Day!!! We were crazy, I know. And it rained. But it was fun!
The rest of the week was the same ole', same ole'. A bunch of nothing. No job still. I've applyed to so many jobs that I don't even remember where I've applied. Today I applied to a job and I have no idea what the place is called. I couldn't tell you where it is except that it's in Johnson City.
The past Saturday (the 5th), I spent ALL day working at the Campbell County Cancer Association fundraiser. They had an auction to try to raise money for the association. Barry Scott and Second Wind played at it... THANKS TRAVIS and the band for everything!! Did I tell you that they are GREEEAT?!!
And finally, Sunday was Zoe's ballett recital. She was soooo stinkin' cute!! She was a monkey. Seriously, they were dressed like little monkeys and it was precious! She did so good. I'm a proud aunt!! :-)
And so far this week, it's a guuud one! Well except that I had a headache for most of today, but it's gone now so yay!
Okay, this is a long blog again, so I'll stop writing. I could write for days if I thought someone would actually read that much, haha! I was the queen of writing a 10 page paper in one day when I was in college. Brad would always fuss at me and tell me I'm not going to get it done it time, but he was wrrrrong! I always did it. And not to brag, but got good grades on them too (luckily!) That's just the way I work I suppose.
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