This morning I dove into my large tote filled with my old purses looking for a missing bag. One of the purses I came across had a lot of stuff still in it, so I pulled everything out to see what I have been storing for who knows how long.
Here's what was inside...

- 3 pens and 2 sharpies (I have a crazy amount of pens from working at Financial Aid)
- pack of tissues, powder compact, and a nail file
- 2 nail polishes, lip gloss, 2 empty burts bees tubes, and 2 bottles of lotion
- toothbrush kit from an airplane
- comb, contact case, and mints
- keychain from the movie Lincoln Lawyer
- pack of unknown pills and a tylonal sample
- 7 used gift cards (wonder if there's anything left on them?!)
- used movie gift card
- business card from Anthony at eLearning (my old place of employment)
- $5 coupon to Chili's, $10off coupon to Victoria's Secret, and coupon for a free container of juice
- discount list from Welmont
- strawberry jelly pack from Cracker Barrel
- tootsie pop, cinnimon candy, and fireball (seriously, these have to be a couple years old- gross!)
- Best Buy rewards cards
- 2011 ETSU calendar
- stack of Tacobell napkins
- store list (on the list: pen storage-- for all those pens from Financial Aid?)
- my old checkbook (that account has been closed for a while.)
- pictures from my old wallet.
- and last but not least... the receipt to an adventure me and Brad took in 2008. (that's the treasure)
This precious item brought a smile to my face
This is from a late night, Mcdonald's ice cream cone run Brad and I went on a few years ago.
We got our cones and went to park in Downtown Elizabethton to eat them. We did that all the time. While we were eating our ice cream, we decided to take a little adventure. We didn't have a cable at the time and it had been months since we had watch TV and we REALLY wanted to watch TV. So after we finished our cones, we decided to keep driving until we ended up in Bristol and we got a hotel for the night so we could watch TV. (After we did that, we realized we could have paid for a months worth of cable for what we paid for a hotel room for the night.) But then we wouldn't have had an adventure! Check out the awesome, classy, comfortable hotel linens we were blessed to sleep under...

When we woke up the next morning, we decided to take our adventure even farther. So we skipped the first day of classes at ETSU (who goes to the first day, anyway?) We drove like 4 hours to see one of the (once) seven wonders of the world-- The Natural Bridge in Virginia. It was totally random. And honestly, I was a bit disappointed. I mean, it's cool and all but one of the seven wonders of the world? I expected it to be more awesome.
We also toured the caverns. And I was scared. I don't like to be 34 stories under the earth. Especially when they told us that earthquakes have happened there. Doesn't make ya feel too safe.
After our day at Natural Bridge, we headed back home. Got stuck in traffic. And had lots of laughs.
It's a great memory I share with my sweet hubby. And I'm glad that I was reminded of it today while purse diving.