Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ten Things Tuesday

Hiya Franz!  So today is Ten Things Tuesday.  This will be the day that I tell you about 10 things that I've learned or a new favorite or a new thought or just whatever I've come to realize over the past week.  So here are my 10 things for the week.
  1. The Lord has blessed us sooo much lately.  Thank you Jesus!
  2. I don't like to be pushed into something.  If I tell you "no" or "not right now" then that's what I mean.
  3. Strawberry Fruitista Freezes from Taco Bell are my new weakness.
  4. I hate unpacking.  Especially when I don't have enough space for everything.
  5. I drink a lot of milk. 
  6. I keep unnecessary things... For a LONG time.
  7. Sitting in silence makes me sleepy. And bored. Not a good combo.
  8. I have a lot of ideas, but I don't know where to start.
  9. Melton Lake Park in Oak Ridge is not that cool. 
  10. I can't wait until we get to register for the baby.  And I really can't wait to find out if we're having a boy or a girl!
Since I missed Memory Monday, I'll go ahead and share a memory with you now.  I was reminded of this memory earlier this week when I was looking for something for lunch.  This is a memory of my Nan and I think it's appropriate to share since she has been gone for one year on the 10th of this month.  It's a memory of Campbell's Cream of Chicken soup.  I can remember the very first time I ate it.  It's just one of those things I'll never forget.  I was 5 years old and my brother and I were spending the night with my nan.  It was storming very bad outside and I was scared.  So to calm me down, nan cooked us some Cream of Chicken soup and she told us that it was pourage.  She had us sit in the floor with our blankets and pillows while we ate, and she told us the story of Goldie Locks and the Three Bears (she always told us stories).  Of course, this is where the pourage came from.  And I believed her that it was pourage.  I didn't know that it was Cream of Chicken soup at the time.  It was such a fun night.  I'll never forget it.  She was a fun person and I miss her terribly.  And now I'm craving soup. 


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Funday Sunday

Okay, so I totally missed Shareday Saturday... I knew I was gonna be bad at this!  (Wink, wink)  Funday Sunday is going to be when I blog about what ever comes to my mind for the moment.  Today I suppose I will just write what was going to be for Shareday Saturday.  Shareday Saturdays I will tell you about what I did in the past week.  So here it is...

Basically, my week consisted of a lot of unpacking (can you believe I'm still not done?!) and a lot of napping.  This pregnancy stuff really wears a lady out!  I don't like being so tired all the time.  It's no fun at all.  They say that you get more energy when you're in your  second trimester... well, I'm still waiting on my energy to kick in people.

 I got to visit with my best friend Lydia (also sister-in-law) and my adorable niece and nephews, TWICE this week.  It's always a joy to see their sweet faces.  My hubs worked late almost every night so I've been pretty lonely lately.  But he and I got to spend a lot of time together over the weekend, so my heart is happy.  He is becoming obsessed with my belly.  It's getting huge by the way.  It seems like it grew a ton over night.  I'm 18 weeks today, can you believe it?!  We will find out what the baby is SOON!  Soooo excited! 

Brad and I took a long drive back to Johnson City today because silly me forgot our silverware at our old house when we were moving.  I left it right in the drawer.  I realized that I don't miss that drive one single bit!  That was my week in a nutshell.

Now, I'd like to do a little ranting if you don't mind. 
For the past 18 weeks, I've been pregnant.  I've not had one single day of morning sickness.  Not one.  If I haven't yet, then the chances are that I'm not going to.  BUT there are a few people who ask me EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. we talk "How are you feeling?"  "You been sick?" (in that deeply concerned voice) and it's really starting to get to me.  They treat me as if I have a disease and I'm dying.  They know that I've not been sick at all, but yet that question still comes rolling right off their tongue every time. EVERY TIME.  I don't have a serious illness people... I'm just pregnant.  So please stop talking to me like I'm going to die.  That's the only thing that has driven me crazy with this pregnancy so far... I've even been able to handle the belly patting, but the question "How are you feeling" crawls right under my skin.  I can hear the words being spoken right now in my head and it makes me shiver.  Sorry for the rant, but I had to.  Funday Sunday! ; )

Okay, good night bloggers!!  Have a wonderful week! 

Friday, March 4, 2011

A Little Something New + Photo Friday

I've been thinking and I've decided to try a little something new on my blog just to make it a little more fun for myself (and hopefully it will motivate me to write more often.)  I've decided to designate a category to write about for each day of the week.  For example:  Memory Monday, Thankful Thursday, Photo Friday, etc. I don't know how long this will last, but I thought I'd give it a try.  And hopefully I can keep up with it. 

Every Friday, I'll share a photo I've taken recently with my new camera.  I'm trying to learn everything about it, so bare with me as I'm still new to all of this photography stuff.  I'm kinda glad I get to start with "Photo Friday". 

Here is a picture that I took on my camera's first outing...  
(Click the image to see it larger)
This picture was taken from Norris Dam of the Norris Dam Marina.  It is one of my first shots taken from my new camera and it is my very first night shot.  You can even see the stars!!!  This picture makes me so ready for summer... I love Norris lake!

See you tomorrow for "Share Day Saturday!"

"Indescribable. Uncontainable. You placed the stars in the sky and you know them by name.  You are amazing God." -Chris Tomlin