Thursday, June 24, 2010

It's About Time

I have so much to tell you about... This is what happens when I don't blog for weeks!  Oops!  But I have so much to tell, that I'll just spare you from it all.  I'll just tell you about a few little things.  Only a few of the things aren't so little... 

First, Brad and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary on June 14th.  It was a great day!  Brad took the day off at work and we spent the whole day together.  We went to Knoxville and had lunch at P.F. Chang's, then he took me shopping (he's the best), then we went to Pigeon Forge to see the Titanic museum.  Did I mention that it was a great day?  We both had to work for our 1 year anniversary last summer, so this year was nice to just spend the day together.  These past two years have been amazing and I am so blessed.  I have a great husband and a great life!

Second, we've spent a lot of time the past couple of weeks with family and friends... and I've loved every minute of it.  Bethanny (Brad's sister) and her boyfriend Dillon came up to visit one day and we all went to the lake for a picnic and swimming.  It was a blast!  We went to a friends (Aaron- Brad's sister Hannah's boyfriend) high school graduation party with Brad's family last weekend and had so much fun!  Brad and I rode on Aaron's little mo-ped together... it was hilarious!  We could barely fit on it and it went a blazing 25mph!  And it wouldn't even make it up a hill with both of us so we had to "flinstone it!"  LOL

Then of course we visited our dads for Father's Day.  I love celebrating my parents... it's a great day to just honor them.  I loooove my daddy!  He's the best!  

This Tuesday, Brad and I went to Brandon & Erin's house for dinner and Allie & Cliff came too, yippee!  Love them!

Third, I GOT A JOB YESTERDAY!!!! Yay!!!  It's about stinkin' time!  It's not going to be my career or anything, but it's a job for now and for that I'm thankful.  Thank you Lord for answered prayers. 

Last night, Bethanny, Brandi (Brad's sisters), and Dillon came up to visit us.  We took them to 88.3's Faith & Family night at the Johnson City Cardinals baseball game.  The christian band "Pocket Full of Rocks" performed first and they were aaaaamazing
 After the concert we watched the baseball game.  JC Cardinals played the Kingsport Mets.  It was probably the slowest baseball game I've ever been to, but I thought it was still fun. 
We left at the top of the 7th inning Mets were winning by 2 and I was told that the game picked up and the Cardinals came back and won in the 9th inning.  That always happens when I leave a game early. Bummer!  But yay for the Cardinals win! 
All-in-All this has been a great couple of weeks!  I am blessed!  Have a great day people! 

Love My Life!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Oh The Places We Will Go

Hiya Bloggeroos!  I'm actually writing in the middle of the day today instead of before bed... which might possibly be a first (or second, I can't remember.)  I've been a busy little bee this afternoon studying up on a new career I'm thinking about taking up.  I'm not going to share the details just yet, but some of you may already know what it is.  I never thought that I would actually enjoy studying, but I do love this!  So that must be a good sign, right?  Starting something new is kinda scary, but oh so exciting at the same time.  It's a little bit, okay a lot, intimidating... but I CAN DO IT!  It's something that I am very passionate about, and I don't know why I didn't try to do this years ago.  I've actually wanted to do it for a couple of years now, but I figured I wasn't good enough.  But one day, a few weeks ago, I woke up and was like "I'm going to do it... I can do it!"  And I've been studying up on it ever since.  It may take a while to get started, that's why I'm not sharing any details just yet, but I'll let you know as soon as I feel confident enough.  So YAY for a new adventure!!! 

I hope this evening is wonderful for each of you!! 

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Take A Moment and Live

Well hello there blogger friends!  Man, time has really flown since the last time I wrote!!  There is soooo much that I've not written about the last couple of weeks... and it's so much that I won't even bother with it now.  Okay, well maybe I'll give you a quick rundown of everything.... 

First- I got to FINALLY visit with all of my boggtrotter friends (except Lindsey & Daniel & Travis) for the first time in MONTHS!  It was so great to see them all!!  You see, this is a special group of friends.  We all met working together at ETSU finanial aid.  We all bonded instantly and have been best of friends ever since... 7 years actually (for some 6 years.)  We call ourselves the Fin Aid Boggtrotters because Travis owns about every type of instrument (except drums) and we all got together one night goofing off and acting like a band and from that we said we were the Fin Aid Boggtrotters band and it stuck with us ever since.  We usually refer to us as just the Boggtrotters tho.  I cherish soooo many memories with these people!!  We have laughed so much together that I've developed wrinkles from it (I'll blame it on the laughter and not my age, *wink, wink!*)  We have a pretty cool tradition going on with us...
We all got married a year apart from one another and some of us caught a bouquet at one of the weddings.  It started with Becky & Josh 6 years ago... the next year Erin & Brandon got married and Lindsey caught the bouquet and Daniel caught the garter... Then Lindsey & Daniel got married that winter and I caught the same bouquet that Lindsey caught at Erin's wedding.... Then next summer Ashlee & Brandon jumped the broom... A year later, Brad & I got hitched and Allie caught my bouquet... So it only made since that the next summer Allie & Cliff tied the knot!... BUT it's been a year and the only ones of us left to get married is Missy (who's engaged to Troy, yay!) and Travis-and let's face it, he's not gonna be getting hitched for a while!!  But he does have a girlfriend now!!! 
 So for now the tradition is on hold, but who knows!!  Okay, sorry I got side tracked... I just love my friends and I think it's neat that we are all still so close after all these years and now that we've all moved on to other things. 
 Travis is in a professional Bluegrass band called Barry Scott and Second Wind, who by the way was nominated for a 2010 Grammy!!  They are aaaaamazing!!  Check 'em out sometime!  (Travis plays the dobro and sings bass by the way.)
Anyway, back to things I haven't shared.... I'm having a really hard time remembering.... Oh, I went to Dollywood again.  Me, Brad, my Mom, & Lydia went together.  We had a lot of fun, but MAN WAS IT BUSY!!! We went on Memorial Day!!!  We were crazy, I know.  And it rained.  But it was fun!

The rest of the week was the same ole', same ole'.  A bunch of nothing.  No job still.  I've applyed to so many jobs that I don't even remember where I've applied.  Today I applied to a job and I have no idea what the place is called.  I couldn't tell you where it is except that it's in Johnson City. 

The past Saturday (the 5th), I spent ALL day working at the Campbell County Cancer Association fundraiser.  They had an auction to try to raise money for the association.  Barry Scott and Second Wind played at it... THANKS TRAVIS and the band for everything!!  Did I tell you that they are GREEEAT?!!  
And finally, Sunday was Zoe's ballett recital.  She was soooo stinkin' cute!!  She was a monkey.  Seriously, they were dressed like little monkeys and it was precious!  She did so good.  I'm a proud aunt!!  :-)  

And so far this week, it's a guuud one!  Well except that I had a headache for most of today, but it's gone now so yay!   

Okay, this is a long blog again, so I'll stop writing.  I could write for days if I thought someone would actually read that much, haha!  I was the queen of writing a 10 page paper in one day when I was in college.  Brad would always fuss at me and tell me I'm not going to get it done it time, but he was wrrrrong!  I always did it.  And not to brag, but got good grades on them too (luckily!)  That's just the way I work I suppose. 

Alright... good night!!!